Home → Libraries → Great Cornard Library

Coronavirus update

  • Most branches will start reopening from Mon 6 July. Please note the new opening hours.
  • Browsing will not be possible to begin with.
  • No printing, computing or room hire.
  • Online reservations will not begin yet.
  • We’ll be running a phone/email ordering and collection service.
  • More info on when libraries reopen, ordering and other services →

We are now live streaming and recording events →

Great Cornard Library

Great Cornard Library

Manager: Heather Welch

Thomas Gainsborough School (formerly known as the Upper School), Head Lane, Great Cornard
CO10 0JU

Branch updates

The main entrance to Great Cornard Library is out of use until March for construction work to improve disabled access. Customers can enter the library through Great Cornard Leisure Centre and Gainsborough Coffee House.

Opening hours

Day Hours
Monday Closed (home deliveries)
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday Closed
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

Branch facilities

  • Accessibility information
  • Payments: cash, cheques and cards accepted
  • Parking: available in school car park
  • Out-of-hours book return available
  • Refreshments: sometimes available at Sports Centre café next door

IT and printing facilities

Events & activities

We are live streaming events →