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Man in a suit reading an eBook.
Close up of an eReader from over the shoulder of a reader

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Get free access to Android and iOS apps and websites with your library card number. Use your mobile, tablet, PC, laptop or eReader. No overdue fines. Don’t have a card?
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Works with ereaders, Mac and Windows PCs, Android phones and tablets and iPhones and iPads…

Two smartphones with the Libby app on them

Overdrive Libby app

Thousands of the latest eBooks and eAudio with the easy to use Libby app.

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A laptop, mobile and tablet with Kanopy on them


Stream indie and classic cinema, documentaries and courses.

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A laptop, mobile and tablet with Borrowbox on them


Thousands of the latest eAudio titles.

Get started with BorrowBox →

A mobile phone with The Guardian on it.


Digital newsstand with thousands of the world’s most popular newspapers and magazines.

Get started with PressReader →

A laptop, mobile and tablet with Borrowbox on them


Millions of free songs to stream and download.

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