Home → Libraries → Bury St Edmunds Library

Coronavirus update

  • Most branches will start reopening from Mon 6 July. Please note the new opening hours.
  • Browsing will not be possible to begin with.
  • No printing, computing or room hire.
  • Online reservations will not begin yet.
  • We’ll be running a phone/email ordering and collection service.
  • More info on when libraries reopen, ordering and other services →

We are now live streaming and recording events →

Bury St Edmunds Library

Bury St Edmunds Library

Manager: Neil Holmes

Sergeants Walk, St Andrews Street North, Bury St Edmunds
IP33 1TZ

Room & venue hire

Conference and meeting room facilities.

Room and space hire at Bury St Edmunds Library →

Opening hours

Day Hours
Monday 1000 – 1500
Tuesday 1000 – 1500
Wednesday 1000 – 1500
Thursday 1000 – 1500
Friday 1000 – 1500
Saturday 1000 – 1500
Sunday Closed

Branch facilities

IT and printing facilities

Events & activities

We are live streaming events →