Young adults: Sex and gender

Written by · Published Jun 5, 2018

To reserve any of the following books for teenagers and young adults about sex and gender to your local library, click on the links to reserve them from our online catalogue, visit any of our libraries, or contact us on 01473 351249 or

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See also:

Being a Girl, by Hayley Long & Gemma Correll

“Being a girl is not all sugar and spice. How can you possibly survive school and even think about talking to your crush when you have spots in places you didn’t even know you had, your boobs are too big (or too small) and the friend drama is off the charts? Luckily, Hayley Long provides a straight-talking guide to puberty - from cattiness to kisses, and everything in between.”

Being a Boy, by Juno (formerly James) Dawson & Spike Gerrell

“Queen of Teen nominee and acclaimed young adult author and former PSHCE teacher Juno Dawson expertly guides boys through puberty, dealing with crucial topics such as surviving the social scene, learning about sex, how to pull and dealing with spotty faces.”

A-Z of Growing Up, Puberty and Sex, by Lesley de Meza & Stephen de Silva

“This is a ready-reference guide for older kids and teenagers to get the info they need on growing up, puberty and sex.”

The Girl Guide, by Marawa Ibrahim & Sinem Erkas

“Five times world-record breaking hula-hoop star Marawa Ibrahim was told that she was too chubby during her teenage years to succeed as a performer. Today she is one of the most solicited circus performers worldwide, working with artists from Pharrell Williams, to Beyonce and Kenzo. Contained within these pages are 50 lessons, anecdotes and stories about the changes Marawa experienced in her own body during puberty.”

Doing It! Let’s talk about sex, by Hannah Witton

“Sexting, virginity, consent, the big O…let’s face it, doing it can be tricksy. I don’t know anyone (including myself) who has sex all figured out. So I’ve written a book full of honest, hilarious (and sometimes awkward) anecdotes, confessions and revelations. And because none of us have all the answers, I’ve invited some friends and fellow YouTubers to talk about their sexuality, too.

“We talk about doing it safely. Doing it joyfully. Doing it when you’re ready. Not doing it. Basically, doing it the way you want, when you want.”

Doing It Right: making smart, safe, and satisfying choices about sex, by Bronwen Pardes

“Teens can often find sex very difficult to navigate. Maybe the time is now, maybe it’s years away. No matter what, they need to be ready both in their minds and bodies. All teens have questions and they can’t always ask their parents and friends for answers.

“Thankfully ‘The Sex Lady’ breaks it down in Doing it Right, which deals with issues like STIs, birth control and being emotionally ready. The more teens know and understand about the issues surrounding sex, the easier it is for them to make safe, smart and satisfying decisions about their sexuality.”

This is Not a Sex Book, by Chusita Fashion Fever

“YouTube sensation Chusita Fashion Fever explores every aspect of sexuality for teenagers, covering everything from how to tell if he or she likes you, to sexual orientation, kissing, your first time and the difference between on-screen sex and what to expect in real life.”

This Book is Gay, by Juno (formerly James) Dawson

“Former PSHCE teacher and acclaimed YA author Juno Dawson, formerly known as James Dawson, gives an uncensored look at sexual orientation and gender identity. Including testimonials from people across the gender and sexual spectrums, this frank, funny, fully inclusive book explores everything anyone who ever dared to wonder wants to know - from sex to politics, how to pull, stereotypes, how to come out and more.”

Yay! You’re Gay! Now What?, by Riyadh Khalaf

“In this personal, heartfelt go-to guide for young queer guys, YouTuber and presenter Riyadh Khalaf shares frank advice about everything from coming out to relationships, as well as interviews with inspirational queer role models, and encouragement for times when you’re feeling low. There’s a support section for family and friends written by Riyadh’s parents and loads of hilarious, embarrassing, inspiring and moving stories from gay boys around the world.”

Can Everyone Please Calm Down? Mae Martin’s guide to 21st century sexuality, by Mae Martin

“Mae Martin is a Canadian comedian with an encyclopedic knowledge of Harry Potter trivia. Aside from this, if there’s one area that she’s 100% anecdotally and personally qualified to tackle, it’s sexuality: should there be any such thing as a ‘sexuality spectrum’, then Mae has probably existed at every point on it at some stage in her life.

“This book is Mae’s attempt to demystify sexuality by narrating her own often humiliating adventures in sex, dating and gender identity.”

Understanding Sexuality: what it means to be lesbian, gay or bisexual, by Honor Head

“This title looks at the issues around sexuality - what it means, being lesbian, gay or bisexual, coming out, homophobia and accepting yourself and being happy in your own skin.”

Trans Global: transgender then, now and around the world, by Honor Head

“The whole concept of gender identity is being increasingly challenged and words such as non-binary, pansexual, transgender, cisgender and gender dysphoria are becoming commonplace. This book explores the cultures and people of the past who have embraced, challenged or quietly subverted society’s expectations about gender. It features the current stories of openly transgender people around the world in positions of power and authority, who are helping to increase recognition and acceptance of the trans community.”

Beyond Magenta: transgender teens speak out, by Susan Kuklin

“Author and photographer Susan Kuklin met and interviewed six transgender or gender-neutral young adults and used her considerable skills to represent them thoughtfully and respectfully before, during, and after their personal acknowledgment of gender identity. Portraits, family photographs and candid images grace the pages, augmenting the emotional and physical journey each youth has taken.”

How to be Happy: a memoir of sex, love and teenage confusion, by David Burton

“A funny, sad and serious memoir, How to Be Happy is David Burton’s story of his turbulent life at high school and beyond. He longs to have a girlfriend, but his first date is a disaster. There’s the catastrophe of the school swimming carnival and friendships that take devastating turns. Then he finds some solace in drama classes with the creation of ‘Crazy Dave’, and he builds a life where everything is fine. But everything is not fine. And, at the centre of it all, trying desperately to work it all out, is the real David.”

Trans Mission: my quest to a beard, by Alex Bertie

“Being a teenager is difficult enough, but having to go through puberty whilst realising you’re in the wrong body means dealing with a whole new set of problems: bullying, self-doubt and in some cases facing a physical and medical transition.

“Alex is an ordinary teenager: he likes pugs, donuts, retro video games and he sleeps with his socks on. He’s also transgender, and was born female. He’s been living as a male for the past few years and he has recently started his physical transition. Throughout this book, Alex will share what it means to be in his shoes, as well as his personal advice to other trans teens.”

Queer, There, and Everywhere: 23 people who changed the world, by Sarah Prager & Zoe More O’Ferrall

“World history has been made by countless lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer individuals - and you’ve never heard of many of them.

“Queer author and activist Sarah Prager delves deep into the lives of 23 people who fought, created, and loved on their own terms. From high-profile figures like Abraham Lincoln and Eleanor Roosevelt to the trailblazing gender-ambiguous Queen of Sweden and a bisexual blues singer who didn’t make it into your history books, these astonishing true stories uncover a rich queer heritage that encompasses every culture, in every era.”

Understanding Transgender, by Honor Head

“Exploring the issue of people who feel they do not belong to the gender they were born with, this sensitive book looks at what this means for the person and their family, issues around school policy, bullying and discrimination and explores the journey of transitioning.”

Sophie Green

Sophie Green

I work for the Suffolk Libraries stock team. I also write children’s fiction, short stories and comedy. Visit my website.