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Parenting advice: Books to help with raising every sort of family

These booklists will help you tackle some of the challenges of raising a family. You can reserve these books for collection from any Suffolk Library for free using your library card online or by contacting us.

Young adults: Mental health

Books which explore mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, OCD and ADHD for young adults and teenagers.

Understanding cancer

Fiction and non-fiction for children of all ages to help explore and explain issues around cancer.


Self-help and stories to help tackle tantrums.

Staying safe online

Books to help children stay safe online and talk about any worries they may have about the internet.


Self-help books on sleep-training, getting your child to sleep and bedtime stories to share.

Sibling rivalry

Books to help children to understand and get along with their brothers and sisters.


Books to help children share their things with others.

Potty training

Funny stories for children and advice for parents to support potty training and dry nights.

New baby

Books to help prepare children for a new baby in the family.


Books to help children slow down and become more mindful, calm and happy.

Getting dressed

Books to help children learn how dress themselves and make getting dressed more fun.

Fear and anxiety

Self-help and story books to help children to talk about their worries, fears and anxieties.


Information and advice on dyslexia.

Changing families

Books on all different types of family including single-parenting, separation and step-families.


Self-help books on recognising and tackling bullying.


Books to help you talk about death with a child and stories to explore the feelings of grief, loss and sadness.


Advice on understanding and explaining ADHD.