HomeNews → New video shows that Suffolk Libraries is still providing fun for families!

New video shows that Suffolk Libraries is still providing fun for families!

Written by · Published May 14, 2020

A new video has been launched to remind parents that Suffolk Libraries is still running engaging and interactive online activities for them to enjoy with their children.

Although the latest government guidance requires library buildings to remain closed for now, staff members are still running regular activities via library Facebook pages and YouTube. These include live storytimes, singing sessions, craft activities and Lego challenges.

The video features one of the stars of these videos, Tom Veasey who has been entertaining families online with his acoustic guitar and Wordplay sessions. Tom is one of many staff members from across Suffolk who have been replicating their usual library-based activities from home.

Thousands of families are enjoying the sessions every week with library staff giving shout-outs to children and performing songs on request.

Some comments from parents on Facebook:

“Brilliant – it’s great that you are doing this I am really missing my trips to the library.”

“We did these crafts today… really simple and so effective… thanks for the idea.”

“Thanks for doing this. You were brilliant and the children loved it.”

“Thank you, my daughter and I have just binge-watched all your videos and she’s loved it.”

Bruce Leeke, Chief Executive of Suffolk Libraries, said:

“These are extraordinary times for everyone but we’re passionate about helping families to enjoy their time together at home. As always, our staff have risen to the challenge and adapted to keep children across Suffolk entertained. Research shows these sessions help young children develop their literacy skills as well as offer them something fun to do. Our new approach is clearly gaining in popularity and we want everyone to know about what we’re offering online.”

Full details of all the online services and activities on offer can be found on our events pages. We’ve also compiled a list of useful online resources which parents may find useful.

Suffolk Libraries is a charity run for the benefit of the people of Suffolk any additional support that enables us to do even more impactful work is always greatly appreciated.