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More local projects benefit from Suffolk Libraries Extra funding

Written by · Published Nov 15, 2018

Suffolk Libraries has recently awarded funds to several local library projects using money raised by the Suffolk Libraries Extra supporters’ scheme.

The scheme was launched in 2017 and offers individuals and local businesses the chance to make an annual donation to provide some ‘extra’ support to our service. So far it has raised over £9,500 and has 135 members, many of whom have renewed their membership for a second year.

The money raised is placed in a development fund to help libraries provide ‘extra’ services or initiatives in their communities. £1,600 was previously awarded to projects in April and we have now awarded a further £900 for the following projects:

  • Bungay Library – funding to set up a Freddy’s Fund Book Club to encourage more primary school aged children to visit the library during term time. The funding would cover additional staff time to run sessions at the local primary school with the idea of all children taking part being signed up for library cards, and the books chosen would support the national curriculum.
  • Kesgrave Library – funding for new toys and additional staff hours to provide a new monthly Sofa Story Time session on Monday mornings following the recent increase in library opening hours and for babies to use after the Baby Bounce sessions while their carers socialise and chat.
  • Haverhill Library – funding for equipment for new Lego and coding clubs for children, families and young people. These new sessions are just getting off the ground and similar activities are proving very popular at other libraries.
  • Gainsborough Community Library – funding for new resources for the library’s weekly Sharing Stories group for disabled people to stimulate the group and generate more interaction. This will include new books, sensory equipment, games and jigsaws aimed at those with dementia.
  • Felixstowe Library – funding for furnishing and signage in the former café space. This is being turned into a meeting room which can be booked or used for new activities, including an Open Space group for people with mental health issues. The space is being renamed the Hadwen Room in memory of a local customer who was very supportive of the library.