HomeNews → Pop-up library in Rushmere reaches double milestone

Pop-up library in Rushmere reaches double milestone

Written by · Published Dec 7, 2018

A pop-up library run by Suffolk Libraries has recently celebrated its 1,000th visit and issued its 1,000th book.

The weekly ‘Library at the Pavilion’ opened its doors at the Ransomes Sports Pavilion on Sidegate Avenue in Ipswich in March and runs every Wednesday. It has attracted local residents with a range of activities for all ages including a Sporting Memories group, a Bookstart session for pre-school children, the Summer Reading Challenge and class visits from Sidegate Primary School.

The pop-up library is one of two Suffolk Libraries Local sessions which offer a weekly library session. The other one runs in Shotley on Mondays.

Tom Veasey, library manager at Suffolk Libraries Local Rushmere, said “I’m really pleased that the new session has been popular with local people. We’d love to see even more people coming along and if anyone has any ideas for activities we could include at these weekly sessions we’d love to hear from them.”

County Councillor Sandra Gage said: “I am so pleased to have worked with Suffolk Libraries to secure such a brilliant community asset for Rushmere. It’s always a pleasure to see how much enjoyment and fun takes place Wednesday afternoons at the pop-up library.”

Shelly Darwin, Chair of North East Area Committee, said: “I would like to congratulate the project on the achievement of growing this fantastic and much needed community resource.”

The weekly library was made possible thanks to funding from Ipswich Borough Council’s North East Area Committee and Suffolk County Councillor Sandra Gage’s Locality Budget.

Staff and volunteers at the pop-up library are holding a special Christmas party to celebrate this success on Wednesday 12 December at 1:30pm for the general public and at 3:30pm for schoolchildren. There will be carol singing, a Christmas quiz, crafts, mince pies and other refreshments. The event is free and everyone is invited to attend.