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New video shows how libraries can improve wellbeing

Written by · Published Feb 17, 2020

A new three-minute film shows Suffolk Libraries staff, volunteers and users discussing the life-changing effects of libraries.

The video, produced by New Art Films, was filmed at Gainsborough Community and Ipswich County libraries and showcases just some of the events and activities for different ages that take place at the two sites. These include Wordplay sessions for toddlers, a children’s radio project, a Top Time session for older people and a Creative CafĂ© for young people.

Suffolk Libraries staff members who feature in the video include Wellbeing Manager Sarah Lungley, who states “wellbeing is at the heart of everything that we do at Suffolk Libraries and is a part of our everyday life,” and Library and Information Advisor Mark Girling, who says “people come along, have a good time and meet their friends, so it helps them feel less isolated.”

Creative Programmes Manager Melissa Matthews also appears, stating: “what is amazing about library spaces is that it is non-judgmental, [you can] come into the space and just reconnect with what is fun about learning and creativity.”

The film also states that “for every pound spent [on the library service] we create over £8 in social value. This saves the NHS more than £280,000 every year.” These figures come from a recent independent Impact Report by Moore Kingston-Smith, who examined the social impact of our Wordplay activities for 0-5 year olds and Top Time activities, which are aimed at over 55s.