HomeNews → Suffolk Libraries is now a National Portfolio Organisation

Suffolk Libraries is now a National Portfolio Organisation

Written by · Published Apr 6, 2018

As of 1 April 2018, we have official National Portfolio Status from the Arts Council.

In 2017 we were awarded NPO status and just over £700k by Arts Council England to provide an innovative arts and culture programme to engage young people between 2018 and 2022.

National Portfolio Organisations receive regular funding from the Arts Council and represent some of the best arts practice in the world. This is the first year libraries have been included and we are one of only six library services to become an NPO.

The money will fund a four-year programme of activities across the library service. The main aim is to improve 11-24 year-olds’ resilience and wellbeing. We also hope to get young people more engaged in the library service and help build their skills and confidence in using digital technology and equipment.

Krystal Vittles, Suffolk Libraries development manager, said: “We’ve already been talking to young people and staff about their ideas for the programme and we’re also working with the arts organisation METAL. We’re very excited to have a new arts co-ordinator on board and will officially launch the project soon with more details.

“Suffolk Libraries is really keen to get more young people involved in the library service by providing more meaningful, fun and engaging activities for them. This is really important as they are a group which could represent the future users of our libraries, so we want to hear their ideas.”