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Lavenham Library launches opening hours consultation

Written by · Published May 17, 2019

Suffolk Libraries are asking people living in and around Lavenham their views on potential changes to the library’s opening hours.

Under this proposal the total number of library opening hours will increase by an extra half an hour a week at no cost to Suffolk Libraries, due to some small changes to staffing patterns.

The proposed new opening times would be more consistent, and offer Monday morning opening and longer hours on Fridays. The library would close earlier on Saturdays, and be closed all day on Sundays.

Before making any changes, we want to canvas the views of as many customers and groups who use the library as possible. We’re also interested in your use of and thoughts about Lavenham Library. We’re inviting you to complete our online survey or fill in a paper form from the library by Tuesday 18 June.

The proposed changes and opening hours are as follows:

  • Monday - 10am - 1pm (currently closed)
  • Tuesday - 10am - 1pm and 2pm - 5pm (no change)
  • Wednesday - closed (no change)
  • Thursday - 10am - 1pm and 2pm - 5pm (no change)
  • Friday - 10am - 1pm and 2pm - 5pm (currently 2pm - 5pm)
  • Saturday - 10am – 2pm (currently 10am - 4pm)
  • Sunday - closed (currently 12:30pm - 4pm)

Any changes to the opening hours will have to be approved by the Suffolk Libraries Board and Suffolk County Council.