HomeNews → Suffolk Libraries pays tribute to Judith Kerr

Suffolk Libraries pays tribute to Judith Kerr

Written by · Published May 24, 2019

Everyone at Suffolk Libraries is very sad that we’ve lost one of our most cherished children’s authors and illustrators following the death of Judith Kerr.

Judith Kerr’s books were timeless and are still enjoyed by many children today. Her books are still loved by children visiting our libraries, and staff at Wickham Market Library recently chose The Tiger Who Came to Tea as their favourite children’s book during our recent Children’s Month campaign. The story is one of the best-selling children’s books of all time and is being adapted for television for Christmas 2019.

Wickham Market Library manager Lisa Sanders said: “Our library chose The Tiger Who Came To Tea as our favourite children’s book as it’s a delicious and poignant treat for both adults and children, with a touching contrast of two realities. Judith’s wonderful story has filled our library with both laughter and wonder many times, and children always wonder why the tiger never came back!”

Judith also wrote 17 titles about beloved feline Mog the Forgetful Cat, and semi-autobiographical books about her family’s flight from Nazi Germany including When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit. Her final book, The Curse of the School Rabbit, is due to be published at the end of June. She won the BookTrust Lifetime Achievement Award in 2016.