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Introducing Sarah, our new mental health and wellbeing coordinator

Written by · Published Oct 30, 2015

My name is Sarah and I’m the new mental health and wellbeing coordinator for Suffolk Libraries. Here is a little bit about me to introduce myself.

Over the last few years I’ve worked in an NHS Mental Health Trust, supporting and coordinating various projects around health and wellbeing, including service redesign, research, writing grant applications and evaluations. I also coordinated a Wellbeing programme called Bounce!, which sat within a Big Lottery Funded portfolio in the East of England.

Bounce! provided wellbeing workshops and support to over 8,500 people across Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk and was designed to help people in learning about wellbeing, how wellbeing is different for each person and also to look at making small changes to improve their resilience.

The programme worked with a wide range of community groups and organisations, as well as offering specific skill- building workshops to Looked After Children, Armed Forces Families and those who use foodbanks.

During this time I developed a passion for working within the community and I especially enjoy working towards improving health and wellbeing. I love nothing more than working with people to problem solve in services, create new projects and engage.

In a time where health services are facing cuts and increasing pressure to deliver more, I believe the community is a great place to start when it comes to empowering and encouraging people to improve their wellbeing, become more resilient, and have the confidence and knowledge of where to go for help when it is needed.

I love to be creative and in my spare time I can often be found surrounded by arts and crafts items, baking cakes or with my nose in a good book! Reading has always been a big part of my life – I usually have a few books on the go and I’m always adding to my ‘To read’ pile. Growing up I adored Roald Dahl (Especially George’s Marvellous Medicine and Matilda), R. L. Stine’s Goosebumps and of course, the Harry Potter series – which I still enjoy as an adult! These days I like to read as many different genres and authors as possible.

I’m thrilled to be a part of Suffolk Libraries and I hope to continue the excellent reputation the lovely David Grimmer built for this valuable service.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me at sarah.lungley@suffolklibraries.co.uk if there is anything I can do to help or if you have any questions!