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New Eye Library opening date confirmed for Thursday 24 January 2019

Written by · Published Nov 26, 2018

The date for the opening of the new library in Eye has been confirmed as Thursday 24 January 2019.

The current library will close for the last time on Sunday 13 January 2019 at 3pm and reopen in the new building on Thursday 24 January at 2pm.

This means there will be a temporary closure while the library moves. We apologise to customers for any inconvenience. The move is being planned to minimise the impact on customers as much as possible and people should see the benefits when the new library opens.

While the library is closed people can use any other Suffolk Library, the nearest being Stradbroke and Debenham. Customers can reserve and renew books through our catalogue. Any library loans from Eye due back during the closure will have their return date automatically amended until after the new library opens.