HomeNews → Clare Library's 3D printer is helping to produce PPE equipment

Clare Library's 3D printer is helping to produce PPE equipment

Written by · Published Apr 15, 2020

Clare Library’s 3D printer has been put to good use whilst the library is closed by producing personal protective equipment to protect local people.

The library’s printer was first used to produce fixings for a screen to protect staff at the local pharmacy.

It’s now being used to print parts for face shields which Ipswich Hospital will then be distributing to where they are needed throughout Suffolk. Other volunteers are preparing acetate sheets and elastic to complete the face masks.

The scheme is being organised by BT at Martlesham who are collating and passing on the various 3D printed materials to the hospital.

Clare Library Manager, Karla Greenwood said: “I’m sure I speak for most people like myself who are tucked away safely working at home, when I say how enormously grateful we are for our frontline staff in this country. It is good to try to help even in a very small way. Working together certainly makes it more efficient and I have been so very impressed how different communities have come together and collaborated. We are pleased to put the library 3D printer to good use and help to protect our bravest members of the community.”

picture of 3d printed facemark fittings