HomeNews → Chantry Library's Christmas cracker

Chantry Library's Christmas cracker

Written by · Published Dec 21, 2018

Members of the community enjoy a Christmas meal at Chantry Library

Chantry Library recently held a festive celebration for the local community with a special Christmas dinner and two Christmas Carol events.

The community Christmas dinner provided a special early Christmas treat for a group of local people who staff at the library felt would benefit from a boost at this time of year. It was a great success and brought different generations together. The idea for the event came from a library team meeting and staff and volunteers worked with the whole community to provide the lunch.

Library manager Vicki Mann said afterwards: “This afternoon was one of the best experiences of my life! The way the local community came together was totally overwhelming. We wanted to make a difference to people at this time of year and give a few deserving people a special treat to show that we care.

“I’m really impressed with how everyone has helped and it shows how the library is at the centre of the community and how we can bring people together. I’d like to thank everyone who contributed and our wonderful staff and volunteers here at the library who made it happen. It was a really wonderful community Christmas event.”

Many local people and businesses helped on the day. The East of England Co-op and Tesco both donated food and other items and their staff helped out on the day, students from Chantry Academy prepared and served the food and also made gifts, and Chantry Butchers donated meat for the meal.

Schoolchildren sing carols to elderly people at Chantry Library

In the morning pupils from the Oaks Community Primary School sang carols for the library’s regular older people’s group and the day was rounded off with another chance to sing carols by candlelight.