HomeNews → Suffolk Libraries receives donation of books on cancer

Suffolk Libraries receives donation of books on cancer

Written by · Published Mar 11, 2019

Alan Sterenberg, former Suffolk Libraries CEO Alison Wheeler and stock librarian Brandon King with some of the books from the new cancer collection.

L-R: Alan Sterenberg, former Suffolk Libraries CEO Alison Wheeler and stock librarian Brandon King with some of the books from the new cancer collection.

A new collection of library books are now available from Suffolk Libraries following a donation in memory of a local woman who died of cancer.

Former Suffolk Libraries chief executive Alison Wheeler and her friends Meinir Jones and Alan Sterenberg have together donated £800 to fund a new collection of library books on cancer in memory of Jane O’Hear, who passed away in 2018.

Jane was from Ipswich and a staunch ITFC fan. She met the three friends on a library course at Aberystwyth University in October 1976, and they continued to meet regularly after they graduated. In 2015, she moved back to her beloved Suffolk after a career which had taken her all over the world, including a decade in Hong Kong, and she settled into a new life as a parish clerk with her dog Dot.

Sadly, Jane died of cancer last year and her friends have funded an additional collection of books which focus on cancer. The books are now available via our catalogue for everyone to borrow and read.

Alison Wheeler said: “Jane was a great believer in being well-informed and she liked helping people, so we believe she would approve that part of her legacy is a collection of titles to help other people, patients or families whose lives are affected by cancer.

“Libraries have always had a good selection of books for people on health so we hope these will enrich the collection and get good use.”