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Enchantée by Gita Trelease

Written by · Published Mar 19, 2019 · Filed under Historical


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At the Palace of Versailles, on the brink of revolution in 1789, Camille straddles two worlds: the world of poverty and struggle that she found herself in when her parents passed away, leaving her and her sister under the guardianship of their drunkard older brother, and the court reserved for the highest class of nobles that she tricks and deceives her way into. While the sparkling court and the magic Camille uses to disguise herself seemingly give her everything she’s ever wanted, they are also full of danger.

This novel is beautifully written, full of stunning imagery and intriguing three-dimensional characters. I felt so deeply for the plight of Camille and adored seeing historic Paris and Versailles. The story allows the reader to see the tensions that built up to the French Revolution from both sides: the lower classes living in poverty, and the higher classes endangered by the negligence of their leaders.

Enchantée is a glittering, lush tale of magic and court politics. For historical fiction lovers, this is definitely one to pick up, though the magic and characters are very much worth a try even if you don’t usually like something historical! It’s really unique and I’ve never read anything like it.