HomeNew suggestionsYoung adult → Bad Girls with Perfect Faces by Lynn Weingarten

Bad Girls with Perfect Faces by Lynn Weingarten

Written by · Published Jun 7, 2018 · Filed under Crime and thriller

Bad Girls with Perfect Faces

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“No one is good enough for Xavier. Not according to Sasha, his best friend. There’s nothing Sasha wouldn’t do to protect Xavier from getting hurt, especially by his cheating ex Ivy, who’s suddenly slithered back into the picture.

“Worried that Xavier is ready to forgive and forget, Sasha decides to do a little catfishing. She poses as a hot guy online, to prove cheaters never change. But Sasha’s plan goes wrong fast, and soon the lies lead down a path from which there’s no return.”

Wow, this was a dark read. Weingarten uses unreliable narrators to lead the reader down a path full of twists and turns, leading to a surprising revelation. Her use of multiple perspectives creates further distractions, making you suspect one person and then another.

For this reason, I don’t want to give too much away as I think this is a book where you want to go in knowing nothing. All I will say is that it deals with a very current and important topic: catfishing, the act of luring someone into a relationship online by pretending to be someone else.

Bad Girls With Perfect Faces is a twisted and rather alarming example of the darker side of YA, and well worth a read for older teens and adults.