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Wilder Girls by Rory Power

Written by · Published May 28, 2020

Wilder Girls

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“Everyone loses something to the Tox; Hetty lost her eye, Reese’s hand has changed, and Byatt just disappeared completely.

It’s been eighteen months since the Raxter School for Girls was put in quarantine. The Tox turned the students strange and savage, the teachers died off one by one. Cut off from the mainland, the girls don’t dare wander past the school’s fence where the Tox has made the woods wild and dangerous. They wait for the cure as the Tox takes; their bodies becoming sick and foreign, things bursting out of them, bits missing.

But when Byatt goes missing, Hetty will do anything to find her best friend, even if it means breaking quarantine and braving the horrors that lie in the wilderness past the fence. As she digs deeper, she learns disturbing truths about her school and what else is living on Raxter Island. And that the cure might not be a cure at all . . .”

Wilder Girls is a heart stopping thriller that you won’t be able to put down.

Hetty is an attendee of Raxter School for Girls, however, this isn’t an ordinary school. The school has been in quarantine for eighteen months thanks to a mysterious infectious disease called the Tox which has taken over the lives of the girls.

Everyone loses something to the Tox, for Hetty it’s an eye, for Reese her hand has mutated and as for Byatt, she’s disappeared. Hetty is determined to find her friend at whatever cost and won’t give up no matter what she learns along the way.

I’m not kidding when I say I read this book in one sitting. It is incredibly gripping and every twist and turn compels you to read on. The world is beautifully described and you feel like you are on this journey with the girls.

I haven’t read anything like this story before, it is very original which is refreshing and made it more enjoyable to read.

I had been warned before picking this book up about its contents and this is not a read for the weaker stomach as the disease is ruthless to its victims… but the imagery is eerily stunning and brings the Tox to life (not literally!).

I would highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a new and intriguing read! It’s the perfect bridge between contemporary and fantasy and is perfect for getting lost in on a quiet Saturday afternoon.

Rose Gant

Rose Gant

Hi, I’m Rose, a volunteer YA reviewer. I am a student at the University of Suffolk studying English. Check out more of my reviews on my book blog.