Catherine Ravenscroft is a successful documentary filmmaker, happily married with a grown son. However, she is still tortured by an event from many years ago and has never spoken to anyone else about it.
One day, shortly after a house move, she picks up a book contained within a padded envelope that she has found lying around the house and is horrified to discover that it is a fictionalised version of her story. At the beginning of the book however, the disclaimer “any resemblance to persons alive or dead…” has been menacingly crossed out in red ink. Not knowing from who or where this book has come from causes Catherine much angst and the story picks up pace from this point. When her son then receives a copy of the book it is enough to tip the very delicate balance of his life and her husband’s delivery of unexpected photos brings Catherine’s world crashing down.
Intriguing and very well written, this is a brilliant thriller with an original story unlike anything I have ever read before. The author does a great job of keeping the reader guessing and drip feeds information about the past without the story ever becoming dull. You are kept wondering about the true nature of events and your assumptions and morals are continually challenged. The characters are depicted in such a way as to make you unsure as to where your true sympathies should lie. An excellent debut novel!