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Using the mobile library service


If you live in Suffolk or a neighbouring county complete the online joining form and we’ll post your card to you.

Alternatively, visit any Suffolk Mobile library with proof of identification and we’ll give you a card.

It’s free. Children and young people up to the age of 16 need a guarantor. To use any of our online services you’ll also need a PIN. If you don’t know your PIN contact a member of staff, telephone 01473 351249 or email help@suffolklibraries.co.uk


Books on mobile libraries can be borrowed for 8 weeks. If you don’t return a book on time we’ll apply an overdue charge. The charge rises for each mobile library visit you miss. If the mobile library is unable to call we’ll take this into account when we calculate the charge.


Media type Loan period Charge Overdue charge* Maximum overdue
Books (adult) 8 weeks FREE 13p per visit 91p
Books (children and young people) 8 weeks FREE 1p per visit 10p
DVD Premier 4 weeks £3.00 66p per visit £4.62
DVD (1 or 2 discs) 4 weeks £1.00 33p per visit £2.31
DVD (3+ discs) 4 weeks £2.00 66p per visit £4.62
Games 4 weeks £3.00 78p per visit £5.46
Spoken Word (1-2 cass/CD) 8 weeks FREE 13p per visit 91p
Spoken Word (3+ cass/CD) 8 weeks FREE 25p per visit £1.75
CDs – music 4 weeks £1.25 13p per visit 91p
CDROMs – leisure 8 weeks £1.55 28p per visit £1.96
CDROMs – education 8 weeks FREE 28p per visit £1.96
Language courses – 1-2 12 weeks FREE 26p per visit £1.82
Language courses – 3+ 12 weeks FREE 37p per visit £2.59

* Overdue charge for each mobile library visit missed

If you don’t return items we’ll send overdue notices after the 4th and 7th visit you miss. We’ll send a bill for replacement after the 10th visit missed. The bill includes the overdue charge as well as the replacement cost. NB Overdues are charged to a maximum of 7 visits missed.