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What we filter on public PCs and our WiFi service

As a library service we believe in freedom of speech. We only block access to internet sites or pages you access on our fixed PCs if a website:

  • publishes illegal material
  • publishes material of a racist or homophobic nature
  • publishes material we deem pornographic or excessively violent

We do reserve the right to block any website we choose.

Our internet access is filtered by third parties; however, we can ask for a site or page to be unblocked when you access it from one of our fixed PCs.

We can’t unblock sites you access via our WiFi service. The filtering on the WiFi service is set nationally by the WiFi provider (either Polkaspots or O2). We’ve chosen ‘family’ WiFi filtering levels because we can’t tell who’s using the service.

If you feel we’re blocking a website we shouldn’t, contact us at help@suffolklibraries.co.uk