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Rules for borrowing our Chromebooks

All of our libraries lend out Chromebooks for 1 or 2 hours’ use anywhere in the library. These fast, simple machines are ideal for internet-based activities, have USB ports and connect to library printers.

We have a few rules for borrowing Chromebooks:

  • You must have less than £14 in unpaid fines on your account

  • You must have paid for any library items you have lost in the past

  • If you have been a member of the library for less than three months, you may be asked for additional proof of address

  • You can borrow a Chromebook for 1-2 hours, depending on the library. There is a 13p fine for every minute you have the Chromebook beyond the time limit

  • You are responsible for any damage caused to the Chromebook while it is in your possession, and may be liable to pay up to £180 depending on the extent of the damage.

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