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Borrowing eReaders and iPads

Borrowing eReaders

We’re lending eReaders so you can access our collection of over 7,000 eBooks, even if you don’t own a Kindle, tablet, Sony eReader, Kobo or similar device.

Libraries that lend eReaders

How to borrow an eReader

Visit the library with your library card.

Subject to availability, you can borrow the eReader for up to 3 weeks. When the 3 weeks is up you can renew your eReader loan, if there is not a waiting list.

You must also:

  • Have held a library card for at least 6 months
  • Have no current charges or history of lost items on your card
  • Have used the card in the last month

Terms and conditions

Suffolk Libraries eReader User Agreement (PDF)

The main terms of the loan are:

  • Limit: one device per person at a time
  • 3 week loan period of eReader with the option to renew
  • Borrow up to 6 eBooks at a time – your choice from the library eBook catalogue
  • You can only transfer eBooks onto the eReader in the library using a library computer
  • The eReader can only be registered to the computer within the library you borrowed the eReader from. It must not be registered with another computer/Adobe Digital Editions. Failure to comply with this may result in charges being applied to your library card.
  • Overdue charges per day will be the same as print books
  • If lost or damaged the following charges will be applied: eReader: £69, cover: £15

Borrowing iPads

Libraries that lend iPads

How to borrow an iPad

Visit the library with your library card.

Subject to availability, you can borrow the iPad for up to 3 weeks. When the 3 weeks is up you can renew your iPad loan, if there is not a waiting list.

You must also:

  • be at least 16 years old
  • have been a library member for at least 6 months, with recent usage (in the last month) and no fines or history of lost items
  • be able to provide photo ID

Terms and conditions

Suffolk Libraries iPad User Agreement (PDF)

The main terms of the loan are:

  • Maximum of one iPad to be borrowed per person at a time
  • 3 week loan period with the option to renew (if no outstanding reservations)
  • Overdue charges per day will be the same as print books
  • If lost or damaged the following charges will be applied: iPad: £200, charger: £12, cover: £15