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Borrowing BBC micro:bits

With a BBC micro:bit, you can code all sorts of cool creations, from music to robots to your own Hogwarts Sorting Hat.

The device has many features, including 25 red LEDs that can flash messages, two programmable buttons that can be used to control games, and motion and direction detectors.

Libraries that lend micro:bits

How to borrow a micro:bit

Visit the library with your library card.

Subject to availability, you can borrow the micro:bit for up to 3 weeks. When the 3 weeks are up you can renew your micro:bit loan, if there is not a waiting list.

Further information

Each Suffolk Libraries micro:bit box comes with an information leaflet (PDF) including a list of the box’s contents, set-up instructions and recommended micro:bit websites.

micro:bit boxes also contain a safety and quick start guide (PDF)