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Borrowing periods & overdue charges for physical titles

Charges and fines have been frozen during the coronavirus situation and all new loans will be extended to four weeks. CD and DVD charges have been suspended.
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We don’t charge a fee for reserving a title unless we need to get it from another library service.

What you can borrow Loan period Maximum titles Charge Overdue charge Maximum overdue charge (per title)
Adult books (each) 3 weeks 20 Free 15p per day £7.35
Young Adult books (each) 3 weeks 20 Free 1p per day 49p
Children’s books (each) 3 weeks 20 Free No charge N/A
DVDs Premier 1 week 6 £3.00 66p per day £32.34
DVDs (1-2 discs) 1 week 6 £1.00 33p per day £16.17
DVD sets (3+ discs) 2 weeks 6 £2.00 66p per day £32.34
CDs (music) 1 week 6 £1.25 13p per day £6.37
Spoken Word (1-2 cass/CD) 3 weeks 6 Free 13p per day £6.37
Spoken Word (3+ cass/CD) 3 weeks 6 Free 25p per day £12.25
(PlayStation2, DS and Wii)
1 week 2 £3.00 78p per day £38.22
Language courses, Single and double items 6 weeks 6 Free 26p per day £12.74
Language courses, Sets (3+) 6 weeks 6 Free 37p per day £18.13
CDROMs – leisure 1 week 6 £1.55 28p per day £13.72
CDROMs – education 1 week 6 Free 28p per day £13.72
Audio described films on CD: includes the soundtrack, music, sound effects and the dialogue
along with the audio description. Reserve here
1 week 6 Free 13p a day £6.37
Audio described films on DVD: DVDs with audio description (RNIB). More information can found at: RNIB 1 week 6 Free 33p a day £16.17

If items have not been returned, overdue notices are sent after 21 and 42 days, and a bill for replacement is sent after 72 days. The bill includes the overdue charge as well as the replacement cost.