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Open Space meeting groups at Ipswich

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Here is the latest timetable for Open Space at Ipswich County Library. Lots of exciting things coming up and some great discussions.

If you have any questions please do get in touch, or just come along to a session on Wednesdays from 1-3pm at Ipswich County Library– all are welcome!

Running order: lunch/tea/coffee → informal discussion topic or activity → tea/coffee. You can come and just listen if you prefer and drop in and out as you please.

When possible, a member of staff will remain at the library during trips for those who don’t wish to go

Date Topic
18.12.19 Activity: Christmas meal (venue TBD the week before)
25.12.19 No session
31.12.19, 1-3pm New Year's Eve Special - 2019 quiz and chat
01.01.20 No session
08.01.20 Discussion: Hopes for the New Year. What will you be keeping and letting go of in 2020?
15.01.20 Discussion: Bring in, show and chat about something you are proud of
22.01.20 Activity: Mindfulness walk and coffee in Christchurch Park
29.01.20 Activity: Make a comfort box or bag
05.02.20 Time to Change activities with tea and cake
12.02.20 Activity: Bingo
19.02.20 Discussion: What is worry and what helps us deal with it?
26.02.20 Activity: Walk to the Waterfront for a drink in a café
04.03.20 Discussion: Feedback and forward planning - share your thoughts on Open Space
11.03.20 Activity: Scrapbooking and journaling
18.03.20 Discussion: How well do you sleep? What helps and hinders it?
25.03.20 Activity: Join us for a meal (venue to be decided the week before)
01.04.20 Discussion: What are your values and how can you commit to them in a realistic way?
08.04.20 Activity: Get to know your library - take a tour and join up
15.04.20 Discussion: How can losing a loved one affect us and what helps?
22.04.20 Activity: Mindfulness walk