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eLibrary borrowing periods & allowances

We don’t charge fees or fines for any of our eLibrary services.

Service Type Loan period Maximum titles
OverDrive eBooks and eAudiobooks 3 weeks 10
BorrowBox eAudiobooks 3 weeks 6
Kanopy Films and video courses
  • 10 films a month for one credit each
  • Unlimited access to a Great Course for 30 days for 1 credit
  • Unlimited access to children's films for 30 days for 1 credit
See 'Loan period'
Freegal Music and music videos
  • 5 track downloads a week
  • 2 music video downloads a week (count as 2 tracks)
  • Unlimited streaming
PressReader Newspapers and magazines Unlimited Unlimited

OverDrive and BorrowBox eBooks and eAudiobooks automatically expire after three weeks. You can renew or return them early following our eLibrary instructions for your chosen service.