Have your say: BLOC Youth Council

The Youth Council aims to make BLOC a programme designed by and for young people. It holds board meetings and skills building sessions monthly.

Since the first meeting our diaries have been filled with important dates. We’ve developed the process and planned library events. It’s been an eye-opening process so far, and I look forward to much more that’s on its way! — Youth Council board member

email: arts@suffolklibraries.co.uk / text: 07752 380859

Youth Council meetings

No upcoming Youth Council meetings.

Who? What? Why?


We are looking for opinionated, passionate young people between the ages of 11 –25 to become board members and influence the creative direction of the Suffolk Libraries arts programme BLOC.


The Youth Council is open to all, making it accessible to everyone. Our aim is to improve the quality of young people’s creative experience in Suffolk. We value the opinions and demands of all our Board Members.

Why join?

  • Become a board Member
  • Be listened to
  • Make a difference
  • Personal development
  • Write blog posts for Suffolk Libraries
  • Organise events
  • Gaining leadership skills
  • Arts Award Qualification
  • Mentoring and signposting opportunities

Interested in gaining some great skills and an Arts Award? Join the Youth Council: email arts@suffolklibraries.co.uk