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Friends of Newmarket Library

Our aims

  • To promote Newmarket Library in the local community
  • To help raise funds to develop new services
  • To support the manager and library staff
  • To have a voice in the development of library services in Suffolk

Who we are

  • Library manager: Kate Ashton
  • Chair: Rachel Wood
  • Secretary: John Kolybecky
  • Treasurer: Lucy Sheppard

Contact us

  • Email: newmarketfriends@gmail.com
  • Ask at the counter in Newmarket Library

How to join:

  • Just fill in a Friends of Newmarket Library membership form. Details of our meetings appear on the Friends of Newmarket Library noticeboard and you are welcome to join us.
  • Membership costs £1 per year; these funds will go to the library. Any extra donations are always welcome.
  • Community membership is £10 per year.
  • Membership runs from April 6 to the following April 5.
  • You are under no obligation to join in any further activities or fundraising, although your input would be be most welcome so that we can continue to raise money for the library.
  • Individuals and local organisations that support the work of the Friends are welcome to become members. Any member organisation may nominate a representative to attend our meetings.

The story so far

​We are all keen library users, working together in an ‘unincorporated association,’ which is a member of Suffolk Libraries IPS. All of us are entitled to attend and vote at the AGM and our monthly meetings, and may also stand in the annual elections for the trustees.

Recent successes

The refurbished library October 2016

The refurbished library October 2016

  • Involved in the launch of a local history book, Exning Remembers by Tony Pringle, which sold out.
  • We raised money to provide the refurbished library with badly needed mobile shelving.
  • We applied for funding from various bodies and most of our applications were successful.

Future plans

We hold monthly meetings; currently they are held at the library on the third Wednesday of every month. Every member is welcome. If you want to get involved here’s how you can help:

  • We aim to support fundraising events in the refurbished library and we will need helpers for these events such as looking after refreshments and other preparations.