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Friends of Ixworth Library (FOIL)

Our aims

  • Promote Ixworth Library as a vital part of the local community
  • Raise funds that will increase the provision of library services in Ixworth
  • Support the library staff in delivering a highly effective service
  • Provide more opportunities for the community to engage with the library
  • Contribute to the development of library services in Suffolk

Who we are

  • Chair: Debra Reay
  • Treasurer: Lesley Sloane
  • Secretary: Joan Smith
  • Trustees: Ruth Fenton, Ruth Fenton, Sarah Chandler
  • Ex-officio members: Cathy McDonald, Kaye Atkins
  • Patron: Lady Carlise

The story so far

Friends of Ixworth Library (FOIL) was set up in 2013 to support the library in this beautiful and historical village. We fundraise to help buy equipment, support refurbishment projects and enhance activities.

In January 2015, FOIL launched a weekly art group that meets when the library is closed. The art group has been an enormous success, giving members of the community somewhere to come and meet like-minded individuals, practice techniques, learn from each other and make new friends. The art group displays their work to the public in the library with a view to selling them to raise further funds for FOIL.

We have supported the purchase of eReaders for library customers to borrow and offer introductory training courses for older users.

Since 2016, thanks to investment from Suffolk Libraries and Arts Council, we have run a monthly Film Night in the Village Hall.

Contact us

We welcome new members. To find out more contact:

  • Chair, Debra Reay: debra.j.reay@gmail.com
  • Library manager, Cathy McDonald: cathy.mcdonald@suffolklibraries.co.uk, 01359 231493/01359 235048