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Elmswell Library Friends (ELF)

Our aims

  • Promote Elmswell Library as a vital part of the local community
  • Raise funds that will increase the provision of library services
  • Support the library staff in delivering a highly effective service
  • Provide more opportunities for the community to engage with the library
  • Contribute to the development of library services in Suffolk

Who we are

  • Chairman: Jimmy Jewell
  • Secretary: Vacant
  • Treasurer: Jim King

Contact us

  • Jimmy Jewell email: anthonyjewell27@btinternet.com

Other committee members:

  • Rob Dann
  • David Grunbaum
  • Clare Keefe
  • Kate King
  • Maria Mulvihill
  • Sarah Riches
  • Ruth Wickes
  • Sylvia Wilson

The story so far

Elmswell Library Friends (ELF) was set up in 2012 to help support the running of the library. The main criteria was to raise funds to support the library’s services but once the pressure eased, ELF decided to update and refurbish the fittings to meet today’s needs.

We launched an appeal in June 2014 to raise £10,000 to decorate the interior of the building, provide new shelving and furniture and to make the area more modern, flexible and further fit the needs of its customers.

In 2019, with nearly £20,000 raised to date, Elmswell Library is an integral part of village life. We enjoy continuing support from our local district councillor, Sarah Mansell, our county councillor, Jane Storey, and the local parish council.

With potentially £40,000 to come from local ‘106’ agreements, we are looking at various options to extend the library. This will require further support from the parish council.

We keep the library in pristine condition with funds raised by wine evenings and coach trips to London. We promote the library in local schools and link up with contacts in schools to provide a more ‘joined-up’ service. We encourage local community groups to use the small notice boards that have been installed in the library.