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Rosehill Library Friends

Rosehill Library Friends logo

Our Aims

To promote the use of libraries and support library staff in Suffolk and specifically Rosehill Library by any of the following:

  • Developing co-operation between libraries and its communities and ensuring all sections of the community have a voice within this
  • Facilitating communication between local people and their local library in an empowering way
  • Encouraging use of the library by underrepresented groups
  • Helping to recruit and organise volunteers for specific purposes to support the library
  • Fundraising, obtaining sponsorship and donations, through events and activities
  • Helping to safeguard the future of libraries and develop innovations in service delivery

Who we are

Committee members:

  • Mark Vaughan
  • Kate Byford (library representative)
  • Tony Crunden
  • Christine Yates

Councillor representation:

  • Cllr Mandy Gaylard
  • Cllr Pam Stewart

Contact us

The story so far

We were established in February 2013. Since then we’ve:

  • Set up a bank account for donations
  • Supported National Libraries Day and World Book Night events in 2013
  • Organised quiz sheets and competitions
  • Held a community engagement day at Rosehill Co-op
  • Supported and volunteered for the Summer Reading Challenge in 2013
  • Arranged for the author Sue Hampton to give a talk at the library and present the Summer Reading Challenge certificates
  • Raised over £600 from events and donations
  • Received a £500 grant from a local councillor for community engagement
  • Received a £1000 grant from a local councillor to purchase two Chrome Books and a printer to enable us to offer more help with computers
  • Received a £200 grant to offer more to children completing the Summer Reading Challenge

Future plans

We’re currently developing a range of plans to help support and promote Rosehill Library. These include:

  • Applying for funds to offer additional activities and groups.
  • Author visits and talks
  • Quiz nights
  • Organise public events to engage with the wider community
  • Hold events to raise funds to offer more to the local community
  • Offer more volunteering opportunities
  • Offer more opportunities to learn life skills
  • Offer assistance and help with using computers