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Friends of Sudbury Library (FOSL)

Our aims

  • Support Sudbury Library
  • Raise the profile of the library
  • Increase the community’s engagement with the library

Who we are

  • Chairperson: Anne Lowen
  • Treasurer: Kay Mason
  • Secretary: Janet Cruttenden
  • Gladis Garcia-Soza
  • Janet Godsall
  • Marion Higgleton
  • Laurie Reynolds

How to contact us

Email friendsofsudburylibrary@hotmail.com

The story so far

The Friends of Sudbury Library (FOSL) was set up in 2011. We became members of the IPS in our own right in 2016.

The committee has been meeting quarterly to plan and discuss its activities and events and any developments regarding the library’s future. The members work side by side with Sudbury Library’s staff in the promotion and implementation of some of their events.

FOSL has been fortunate to secure donations from Waitrose (twice) and also from County Councillors from their local budgets. This income, together with monies raised by various events run by the committee, has helped to fund numerous activities aimed to engage the local community.

Fundraising events

  • Talks (topics ranging from local history to gardening to photography)
  • Exhibitions (photographs and pictures)
  • Quiz nights


  • Providing prizes for the winners of the library’s story-writing competition
  • Helping set up a library garden with monies raised
  • Buying equipment (office guillotine, music, book trolley)
  • Purchasing furniture (bean bags, baby gyms)
  • Paying for room refurbishment
  • Supplying clubs in the library (tea urn, sewing machines)
  • Helping with other library needs, such as paying 50% of the wi-fi cost

Future plans

  • Continue to support Sudbury Library
  • Improve the library’s visibility in the community
  • Promote new events and activities
  • Organise new fundraising events