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Aldeburgh Library Foundation

Our aims

Aldeburgh Library Foundation’s vision is for a knowledge hub at the heart of the community, in which reading, learning and sharing knowledge can help to shape the town’s future well-being. Our aims are:

  • To advance the education of the general public in Aldeburgh, Suffolk and the surrounding area, in particular but not exclusively by the provision of a lending library.
  • To further or benefit the residents of Aldeburgh, Suffolk and the neighbourhood, regardless sex, sexual orientation, race or political opinion.

Who we are

We were formed in August 2012 as a limited company and registered as a charity in January 2013.

We help to improve the Library and its facilities with a major refurbishment underway in September 2016.

We run adult education courses for people from the local area.

We have launched a new loyalty card in partnership with local businesses.

You can learn more about what we do from our website.

Contact us

  • Tel: 01728 452502
  • Email: info@aldeburghlibraryfoundation.org.uk
  • Website